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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why Facade?

Good question. The funny thing about choosing this title was that it was effortless. I already had three titles in mind while I wrote the book but when I got to the last line of the book, it changed to Facade. One meaning of Facade is "an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant reality." With this title, you already wonder what the character is hiding. That's my intent.




The short explanation that goes along with the publicity of Facade says,

"To the naked eyes, Emma, a recent high school graduate, is beyond beautiful and smart, which is a combination that would give any girl an immeasurable sense of self-confidence. But as it turns out, the eyes are yet to discover and understand the real Emma. Adam, her saving angel who is wise beyond his years, wholeheartedly accepts the real Emma and teaches her to do the same."

While I can't give away too much about the book, know that there are life lessons that Emma learns, which are true for most of us:

  • Overcoming self-doubt
  • Learning not to choose the substitute over the real thing we want to do because of fear of failure
  • Not waiting until something drastic happens before we take the leap
That's all I'm going to share for now. Enjoy Facade and tell me what you think :)

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