I have broadened my intellect by not limiting myself to a certain area. I cannot be narrowed down to a person who only likes a certain kind of music or book or person. No way! The world is rich and I have the opportunity to learn more about it on my phone. In our time, we are lucky to have technological advances that have given us access to so much but most of us are still limiting ourselves and embracing ignorance. We have an opportunity to reach out virtually but we still focus on mundane things and marvel only in the selfies that we want to post online.
I can't pin-point the exact moment I decided to embrace more than the things I liked. I'm still quite picky but I have grown to understand that knowledge is power and I don't have to wait for that knowledge to be imparted to me by someone when I have the opportunity to gain it through clicking buttons. Maybe being a writer is one of the reasons why I have the urge to want to know more. The characters in my books are complex and to make them believable, I do a lot of research. I have learned so much but learning is a fun life-time task and so, here is to learning new things everyday.
(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)
(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)