I am honored to share with you a musical talent; Nate Laningham. He composes, sings, and plays instruments that result in masterpieces. Skeptical? I have proof. Look out for Nate people because he knows his stuff and that's a great start for launching a long-lasting career.
Please Introduce Yourself, what you do, and how you got into it
Hi! My name is Nate Laningham, I live in Austin, TX, and I’m a musician. I started playing music when I was about 8 years old. My Mom introduced me to the piano and taught me for a couple years. It wasn’t until I was about 12 years old thought that I got really serious about music. My Dad used to write music for advertisements back in the 80’s, and I stumbled upon some of his old synthesizers and started playing around. I wrote my first song that day, and I instantly fell in love. I wrote solo piano music for awhile, then I picked up a guitar one day and I knew I had found my weapon of choice. I started a metal band and we bashed about for a while before I decided to go to college. I began studying music composition while in college, and I began writing as much music as I possibly could. I covered a variety of genres (not all endeavors were successful I might add). I wrote for orchestral groups as well as choirs and acapella groups. I soon became fascinated with electronic music, so I wrote a handful of electronic pieces. Most recently I’ve been writing music of a more acoustic nature...mainly folk/rock and some blues.
Do you have dreams of a future career in music?
My greatest dream involving music would be to one day write for film. I have always loved the great expression and beauty of the collaboration of film and music. There is nothing that moves me as greatly as a beautifully crafted scene, utilizing the power of music. For example: the closing scene of “Schindler’s List” when Liam Neeson delivers his powerful and heartbreaking monologue. That scene is so moving, most people I know are brought to tears when watching it. But can you imagine that scene absent John Williams breathtaking theme? The beautiful, soaring melody he created for that scene is heartbreaking enough in itself, but when paired with Neeson’s monologue and the dark cinematography of the scene, it becomes something beyond words.
What can you say you love the most about Music?
I think the thing I love most of all about music is the ability it gives me to express what words cannot. Whether I’m in a really dark, sad place, or an exciting, uplifting place, music gives me the opportunity to share those feelings, to express them. Words are great, and I can express myself verbally just like anybody else, but music is a whole different level of expression. It’s raw, deep…it’s an entirely different level of communication. The things I feel in music are feelings nothing else could ever give me. No words ever spoken can offer the same feeling that a truly beautiful piece of music does. Music is pure expression of soul, completely unfiltered...completely real.
Needless to say, I love music. I am currently writing some music with a friend of mine…
You have a new band now, what kind of music do you play?
I guess you could call us a band. We are working on some rockish/bluesish/folkish stuff and we hope to start playing some shows here in Austin soon. Keep an ear out for us, we’re called “The Gingermen”. Thanks I hope you enjoy the songs!
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