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I'll tell you a story, but first, the familiar questions: Do you want to be financially secure? Do you want to be your own boss? Do you ...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Twerkable Wear

Apparently the sag should give enough room for the shake

I know you guys are like, “Emem, seriously, you too?” Yes me too. I’m sorry, as long as we are all hating on Miley because of her VMA performance, we are all fueling her fame. My goodness she is the biggest topic right now, even while something horrible is brewing between the US and Syria. Shouldn't that be the biggest news in town? No. Unfortunately, Miley Cyrus' twerking habit is. Twerking has been said to be done so much that people are expecting it to be dead soon. Yes, but I’m seeing sites that are beginning to refer their clothing as “twerkable.” Umm for real? They have sewn something special for you because they don’t want you wearing Miley’s nude underwear style while twerking. Until I stop hearing the word, “twerk,” twerking is not dead yet. If you may attempt to dance it, why not jump on this bandwagon and buy the twerkable outfit?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Miley Likes Grunge

I define the "grunge" look as the excuse to look unkempt and make it acceptable by calling it a style. Granted, I'm a sucker for this style on some guys but I still like my polo, dress shirt, and khaki look any day. Real and would be Rockers out there, who do not have time for showers and drink themselves to stupor, have invented this look for their benefit. I see them and immediately think of a drunk person. How would the person coordinate himself long enough to comb his hair or pick out reasonable clothing? Exactly. But because he already has fans, he can become a style icon too with his messiness included. It's funny how that tattered look now makes up a whole clothing line in stores. Some parents think it's annoying when their kids buy torn or worn-out looking clothes. "Why not wear your torn old clothing instead," some would say. Sometimes one can tell if the outfit is fresh from the store or if it is old. The other day I saw a guy at the mall wearing a patched tee with holes on it. I could tell he was making a fashion statement because his pair of jeans looked clean and new and he had a sweet-looking pair of Dr. Martens. The checkered shirt tied on his waist and his messy hair completed his look. This is exactly what fashion is allowing. It seems okay now to look messy, if you do it correctly. Sometimes you find people who have clean tops and bottoms and then their shoes look like it was picked up from a mud pit. It's all fashion and I'm beginning to wonder where we draw the line.

(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Progress on the Bag Pack

I recently posted a blog titled "I'm Ready For You," which basically was my rant about getting a grown up back pack because I was tired of killing my shoulders with my heavy hand bags. "How is that coming along?" you may ask. Well, It is coming. I have the coolest bag pack right now. I just have to get used to it. I still feel like I'm in primary school heading to class when in reality, I'm heading to work; those jobs where people dress business-like. Wouldn't it be funny if you came across someone in dress shirt, dress pants, heels, and then a bag pack slung on her shoulders? Yup that's me. Well, substitute the heels for flats but you get the idea. I carry my bag pack with the mentality that my health is more important than my looks, regardless of what others think. Secretly, I 'm hoping no one is paying attention! Men carry bag packs to work; why should women get the weird looks? Well I'm going to answer my question. Because, when men carry man-purses "murses", they get weird looks. Okay, I have decided to suck it up and ignore whatever look I get. I'm enjoying my bag pack way too much to make weird looks bother me.

(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Not a Statement Hair

I had written a blog once called, "Natural - Kinky, Coil, Nappy, and Fro" about how people should give those with kinky, nappy, and fro looks a break. I had just learned somewhere that there are people out there (In non-African countries) who truly think the nappy look is a "statement hair." They see people with fros and dreadlocks and think, "oh are they protesting?" No it is not a statement hair. It's just the natural hair for most Africans. This is the hair we were born with. Some people choose to change the texture to make it easier to maintain. Others do not like the look and use relaxers that straighten the hair, which gives it a straight and fine texture. Many people have their reasons for looking which ever way they want to look. Some have European and American idols and like to emulate their styles and know they can achieve looking like them with cups of relaxers, weaves and, extensions. Some feel they can bypass questions, especially if they're Africans living abroad, and just go with what has become the norm, wearing straight hair. Some just prefer to stay with their natural hair and wear it whichever way they can style it. Everyone should be free to wear their hair which ever way they see fit, as long as it's clean.

(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)

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