It's Michael. Yes, the one and only Michael. I am writing this post in time for the most anticipated episode on Glee, the episode that would feature Michael Jackson's work and fashion. When I was growing, it was a Saturday routine to watch the "Michael Jackson Video". It was labeled that even though there were performances from other musicians. I watched Black and White, Heal the World, Who's bad, Remember, Thriller, and many more. Till this day, I find it hard to pick a favorite from Michael Jackson's songs and performances because they are just too amazing to be ranked. One thing that I paid attention to was the way he dressed. I associated the black blazer, black ankle-length pants, black hat, white socks, and black shoes with him. What about the hot-red leather jacket with black stripes he wore in his Thriller video? The sequined jacket and the white glove? By the way, what I admire till this day is how people dress like Michael when they want to perform like him. I guess it's incomplete seeing someone doing "the moonwalk" in skin tight jeans and running shoes. I like how even though fashion changed over the years in terms of trouser length, Michael still wore his ankle-length pants and you could still see those white pair of socks. I think my love for military-styled jackets was from watching Michael's videos. I don't think I'll ever stop being a fan even though he's no more.
(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)