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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Comfort Trumps Style

Metaline Nine West

I had walked into a store to purchase a fall season specialty booties. Of course, I found an uncountable number of booties ranging from different styles to colors. This is the season, hence many selections. However, I accepted the challenge to pick a pair of boots out of so many knowing this was going to be a difficult task. After trying several pairs, I had eight favorites; opted for an elimination process and got rid of the brown pairs since have got a couple of brown boots already. Five more to go! Got rid of the pairs with spikes designs, had four to go, and got stuck. So, asking the store clerk for an opinion seemed like the way to go to making a decision! We came down to two pairs. This level was surprisingly difficult. The store clerk liked both and so did I. I wore one of each pair on both legs and looked at them at the mirror at the same time but that did not help with my decision making process. I decided to walk around in both and got a disapproving look from another store clerk. I ignored her. I wasn't going to buy both pairs so I needed to make a choice and walking in them didn't help. Then cooked up a scenario. Which pair would I rather be wearing on the day that I have to sprint to catch the bus? That was it and took home my perfect booties!

(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor) 



  1. This boot is gorgeous and unique and you did pull it off really well. I love Nine West! Yeah, I totally dislike those moments when you have to make a choice from all your faves! Good choice chica! You go girl...YKW


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