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Monday, December 5, 2011

Super Good Looking People These Days on TV


Is this a trend or what? When I watch movies from the sixties I can see major differences between the actors of those days and the actors now. There are distinct language differences and different ways of dressing, but that's not my focus. My focus is on how the actors of those days seemed to have been chosen for their talents rather than their looks. This does not seem to be the case for most movies and TV shows of these days. TV shows are worse in my opinion. The casts are too good looking and most people find themselves watching these shows to bask in the beauties of these individuals not the story of the shows. The worst thing is that most of these shows have cheesy plots and bad story lines. The shows tend to lack uniqueness and the acting is a nightmare. But dedicated fans would want to see that piercing pair of eyes, or hear that voice, or see those guns, or shiver from the swag. Basically, they enjoy watching the shows for the good looking casts. This is superficial and I don't think it is going to end anytime soon. At least, movie and TV shows script writers should opt for better stories as well. Is it too much to ask? I would like to talk about a movie or an episode of a show and stick mainly to the stories more often. It would be nice for a change. One of my friends opposes  this, and this is what she said. "It may look very superficial and unreal to you, but I like! If I were in charge of casting, I would do the same. People need to watch the show and fine people are good enough reasons."

(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)

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