I walked into a shoe store this summer to buy some bright colored flats to promote more summery looks in my life. Anyways, at the checkout counter I saw a tiny glass bowl with cute rings. They all had one thing in common, a purple pearl-like stone attached on the ring. It looks quite like my birthstone, I thought (Aquarius is my zodiac sign). Then the sales clerk noticed what I was gazing at and told me that they were mood rings. I left the store with a cute one that has a dolphin attached to the stone. The sales clerk had further explained that the stone will change according to my mood. This is not magical or anything but this stone works with the body temperature (fun science fact). Why was it the color purple when I bought it? I thought. I had to Google it on my phone. When I put it on, it turned blue and my curiosity blew up. I found a mood ring chart online and here it is below.
Interesting right? The ring was set to clarity and sensual when it was in the bowl on the counter. When I wore it I was calm, relaxed, and lovable. I have watched the color change and I must say that I am impressed. This is just one of the many fun things in life. Why not add a mood jewelry to one of your jewelry collections just for fun.
(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)
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