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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Miley Likes Grunge

I define the "grunge" look as the excuse to look unkempt and make it acceptable by calling it a style. Granted, I'm a sucker for this style on some guys but I still like my polo, dress shirt, and khaki look any day. Real and would be Rockers out there, who do not have time for showers and drink themselves to stupor, have invented this look for their benefit. I see them and immediately think of a drunk person. How would the person coordinate himself long enough to comb his hair or pick out reasonable clothing? Exactly. But because he already has fans, he can become a style icon too with his messiness included. It's funny how that tattered look now makes up a whole clothing line in stores. Some parents think it's annoying when their kids buy torn or worn-out looking clothes. "Why not wear your torn old clothing instead," some would say. Sometimes one can tell if the outfit is fresh from the store or if it is old. The other day I saw a guy at the mall wearing a patched tee with holes on it. I could tell he was making a fashion statement because his pair of jeans looked clean and new and he had a sweet-looking pair of Dr. Martens. The checkered shirt tied on his waist and his messy hair completed his look. This is exactly what fashion is allowing. It seems okay now to look messy, if you do it correctly. Sometimes you find people who have clean tops and bottoms and then their shoes look like it was picked up from a mud pit. It's all fashion and I'm beginning to wonder where we draw the line.

(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)

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