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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Ever-Changing Thought Process in a Changing Spot


It started out as a confusing day. The first day of June. I woke up all jollied and getting ready to go to work. It had started getting warm a few days back so I inevitably thought today was going to be a warm summer day until I listened to the forecast. There was going to be thunderstorms. Interesting, I thought. Well I decided to wear my rain boots. But when I looked out of the window the sun looked like it was already at its peak and I could feel the heat radiating from the sun in my mind. I wasn't going to be caught wearing my colorful rain boot in this sunny day. I didn't also want to carry around those heavy pair with me on the bus and train on my way to work. My dilemma began. I settled for my flats. Later in the day at work I was told that it was raining heavily outside, I began to regret why I didn't take my rain boots with me. Then in about twenty five minutes someone else said it was very dry and I had the most wicked smile on my face. I do
not know what the weather looks like right now but I will find out in ten minutes as I will be leaving for home. No rain please!

Yes, that train of thought went on in my head on the first of June. It is now August and you may wonder how the weather turned out when I was leaving for home. I didn't get away with the dry weather if you must know. It rained down like a damaged sprinkler wasting water. The funny thing is I had two more days like this and one would think I had learned my lesson earlier.

(ukoemem - Author; Ola Y - Editor)


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