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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A date with Las Vegas


I’ve heard this saying time without number. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” What of a situation where the cover and content doesn’t help it from being judged? I have never been to Las Vegas, but I have heard and seen so much about it. I know about the Casinos, hotels, population, and the famous Strip. I know it is nicknamed “Sin City” and not for a good reason. I want to visit sometime just to satisfy my curiosity on why people live there. I ask myself why I would choose to live in such a busy tourist city where “Elvis” has a church and is licensed to do abrupt weddings. Speaking of churches, did you know that Las Vegas has one of the highest numbers of churches in a major city in the US? I know! I was also baffled. I would love to hear stories from people who toured Las Vegas and did things other than gambling, actual or window shopping, strip club visit, or impulse weddings.


(ukoemem - Author, Ola Y - Editor, and Photos by S. Pedro)


  1. You know what they say Em. "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!" Don't spill...lol... Ola


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